Green Diapers is a Polish manufacturer of cloth diapers. You can buy here modern, healthy and stylish reusable nappies. Ideal for your baby’s delicate skin and environment friendly.

The shop with products for babies, children and mums. We are a small family-run manufacture. Every new order gives us great joy and satisfaction. Our customers can count on professional help both before and after shopping. We are characterised by innovative combinations of materials necessary to increase the effectiveness of cloth nappies.

We sew in Lodz from Polish materials: anty-leak boat inserts, absorbent bamboo fitted diapers and beautiful wool covers. You will also find here trapezoidal prefolds with elastics, woolen cot bases, elegant blankets made of merino wool and silk or lactation pads made of organic merino. The prices are very reasonable considering the quality of the materials used.

Green Pieluszki Piecz膮tka

Wool Diaper Cover

Top quality wool

Wool is a magical material – it cools in summer and warms in winter. It is antibacterial – it breaks down urine into simple compounds (salts and water). This ability makes woolen covers very hygienic and therefore they do not need to be washed after being worn once. Just like woollen garments, the covers only need to be aired after use. Because wool absorbs some of the moisture, the inner layer of the cover is slightly damp after use, but hung up to be aired out, it dries very quickly and is ready to be used again. Wool Green Diaper Cover nappy wraps come in the following sizes:

NB/S Slim

Mini One Size

One Size Plus Slim

Free shipping!
For purchases over 300 z艂 free shipping awaits you (applies to Poland).

Healthy, fashionable and comfortable!
Modern stylish reusable nappies. Beautiful design in harmony with nature.

Quality and safety for your child!
Certified materials and attention to every detail from design to manufacture.

Absorbent inserts

Suitable for any system





The Green nappy inserts have been created to protect our beautiful wool from soiling and save leakage and time for mums who are multi-diapering. It is a great alternative to thin newborn formers. Also useful for quick changes for little nervous ones or for carers less adept at multi-nursing.

Long Green nappy inserts are designed for babies who pee a lot. Short inserts for babies who can’t tolerate wetness and need frequent changes. All Green nappy inserts fit into various slim Newborn, mini OS or OS slim wipers according to their size.

We also offer inserts for pockets, i.e. without sides.

Weight ranges proposed by us are approximate, selection of the length of the insert also depends on the needs of absorbency and size of the child so it remains individual.

Fitted diapers

A highly absorbent solution

Fitted diapers are nappies that absorb with their entire surface. That’s why they are perfect for a journey, a nap or a night out. Moulded butterflies are additionally sewn in such a way that when the wings are folded inside, they replace the long absorbent insert found in a traditionally cut moulded nappy. They have been specially designed to leave as little waste as possible after cutting out the nappy pattern. The elastics on the back are sewn flat, the ears and the front panel are neatly cut out.

Fitted diapers fit in with the zero waste (ZW) movement and the simplicity of being used as an all in one (AIO). AIO because they don’t have detachable inserts that take up extra space on the dryer and like to get lost. You don’t have to take anything out to wash, or clip it in after washing so it saves you time. Moreover, they are very useful for overtired mums who notoriously lose the inserts from the nappy before they manage to put it on a squirming toddler (I’m an example myself ;p) or for other carers who are less experienced in cloth diapering. Thanks to their uniform construction they work perfectly well also at night when we want to change a nappy quickly and without waking up ourselves or the baby.

Bawe艂na Green Pieluszki


Bambus Green Pieluszki


Bamboo / Cotton

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Recent opinions

Edyta P贸藕mirowska
Edyta P贸藕mirowska
Jestem totalnie zakochana w otulaczach OS plus slim. To jest majstersztyk totalny, welenka cieniutka, leza idealnie, jak majteczki, fajnie trzymaja wklad, gumki delikatne, no polecam goraco. Cieniutkie uszka, nic nie ogranicza ruchow, no czuje, ze te otulacze to bedzie nasz hit 馃槏馃槏馃槏
Joanna Wo藕niak G贸ra
Joanna Wo藕niak G贸ra
Naprawd臋 艣wietny! Mi臋ciutki, bardzo przyjemny w dotyku, mi艂y dla sk贸ry. Gdy potrzebowa艂am u偶ywa艂am r贸wnie偶 dla Nb, zginaj膮c na d艂ugo艣ci.
Maja Otorowska-Marczak
Maja Otorowska-Marczak
Fajne, ch艂onne boostery, dok艂adam je do aio gdy wybieramy si臋 na d艂u偶szy spacer. W przypadku we艂niak贸w chroni膮 lepiej otulacz przed ubrudzeniem okni偶 zwykle proste wklady
Joanna Wo藕niak G贸ra
Joanna Wo藕niak G贸ra
Naprawd臋 艣wietny! Mi臋ciutki, bardzo przyjemny w dotyku, mi艂y dla sk贸ry. Gdy potrzebowa艂am u偶ywa艂am r贸wnie偶 dla Nb, zginaj膮c na d艂ugo艣ci.m je do aio gdy wybieramy si臋 na d艂u偶szy spacer. W przypadku we艂niak贸w chroni膮 lepiej otulacz przed ubrudzeniem okni偶 zwykle proste wklady
Aleksandra Nieradzik
Aleksandra Nieradzik
Fantastyczne, bardzo ch艂onne wk艂ady. To moja najbardziej pewna opcja, opr贸cz formowanek, dla dziecka 13 kg, kt贸re ma ponad 1.5 roku. Bawe艂na jest bardzo przyjemna, znacznie bardziej mi臋kka ni偶 bawe艂na konkurencji, przy suszarce b臋bnowej w og贸le nie sztywnieje.
Katarzyna Blukacz
Katarzyna Blukacz
Jestem zachwycona. Po 2 miesi膮cach u偶ytkowania i nabrania pe艂nej ch艂onno艣ci formowanka z wytrzymuje ca艂a noc z mega sikaczem. Nie na darmo chwala jako艣膰 na grupach
Gdy ju偶 nie mia艂am formowanki to zak艂ada艂am pod gatki na noc, niestety kr贸tko pos艂u偶y艂y, bo nie by艂o ju偶 jak spi膮膰 w pasie. Ch艂onno艣膰 bardzo spora, ale materia艂 te偶 gruby.
My love! Pi臋kny, super le偶y, cienkie uszy, mi臋ciutka we艂na i starczy nam jeszcze na bardzo d艂ugo.

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